
A patient’s quality of life can be severely impaired when breathing is obstructed.   One of the most common causes of obstructed breathing is a deviated septum.   Snoring, which can lead to exhaustion and cardiac issues, is a common symptom of a deviated septum.  Also, if you are experiencing repeated nasal infections, swelling, abnormal nose bleeds and unpleasant nasal discharges, these may be the result of a misaligned septum. 

A deviated septum can be related to genetics, trauma to the face or prior nasal surgeries.  Dr. Yerukhim expertly performs Septoplasty for appropriate patients who are experiencing these breathing and nasal issues.  During the procedure, the nasal septum is straightened and repositioned in the middle of your nose, and may require the surgeon to cut and remove parts of your nasal septum before reinserting them in the proper position.  Not only is breathing restored, but the patient may also realize enhanced cosmetic results once the procedure is completed. 


Are you unhappy with the appearance of your nose? Are you having difficulty breathing? Then nasal surgery may be the appropriate solution. Dr. Yerukhim is an expert in Rhinoplasty, which is the challenging and delicate surgery to reshape the appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty can make the nose larger or smaller; change the angle of the nose in relation to the upper lip; alter the tip of the nose; or correct bumps, indentations, or other defects in the nose. 

Some common results of rhinoplasty include:

  • Straightening and/or narrowing of the nose
  • Reducing the size of the nose
  • Removal of a bump on the bridge of the nose
  • Reshaping the nose tip to add or subtract fullness

This procedure is often cosmetic although it can assist in correcting some medical issues. 





Most of the time, these procedures are performed with all incisions hidden inside the nose (known as a closed procedure) which requires no external skin incisions!  Nasal modifications can improve your appearance, improve your breathing and drastically improve your quality of life!  Call 440-816-2776 today to schedule your consultation.