Deep Plane Facelift

Sagging skin, wrinkles, facial folds and jowls in the middle and lower parts of the face are what drives many individuals to consider a facelift. Yet what holds some people back from pursuing this kind of treatment is fear of a tight, unnatural look.

Unlike older-fashioned techniques that required a lot of pulling, the extended deep plane facelift is a procedure that tightens and lifts the face by targeting the muscular and soft tissue layer underneath the skin – known as the SMAS or superficial musculoaponeurotic system – ensuring a more natural appearance. This procedure lifts the SMAS and the skin as a single unit, releases the tethering ligaments that create the creases and shadows we associate with aging, and allows the surgeon to reposition and reverse the changes of aging without tension. This produces a natural and powerful result for rejuvenating the neck, jawline and middle of the face.

Deep plane facelifts often produce longer-lasting results than older-style facelifts and can reduce or eliminate the need for ongoing injectable fillers. The incisions are placed around the ears and within the hairline for a discreet appearance. By lifting both the skin and the SMAS, healthy blood flow to the face is sustained, which can mean less pain, better healing, less scarring and a faster recovery.

Because of the advanced nature of the deep plane facelift technique, it’s important to select a surgeon who is highly trained and experienced in this procedure. To learn more about how you can get optimal results in a deep plane facelift, schedule a consultation with Dr. Yerukhim today by calling (440) 816-2776.